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10–15 Jul 2016
St. Mary's University
US/Pacific timezone

Proton radii of neutron-rich isotopes from charge-changing cross section measurement (Invited)

14 Jul 2016, 09:00
Scotiabank Theatre (St. Mary's University)

Scotiabank Theatre

St. Mary's University

923 Robie Street Halifax Nova Scotia


Alfredo Estrade (Central Michigan University)


The measurement of the size of protons’ distribution in the atomic nuclei provides an experimental probe into exotic structure features that emerge in unstable isotopes, such as cluster and halo structures, and neutron skins. A Glauber model analysis of charge-changing cross section measurements can be used as a method to determine proton distributions of unstable isotopes, and offers the potential to reach nuclei very far from the line of $\beta$-stability. I will describe the work of our collaboration to perform charge-changing cross sections measurements at the fragment separator, FRS, at GSI. The talk will highlight recent experimental results for the radii of point proton distributions in neutron-rich beryllium and boron isotopes.

Primary author

Alfredo Estrade (Central Michigan University)

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