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10–15 Jul 2016
St. Mary's University
US/Pacific timezone

Study of the resonance state(s) in $^{20}$Mg: astrophysical implications and understanding the nuclear forces

12 Jul 2016, 13:55
Scotiabank Theatre (St. Mary's University)

Scotiabank Theatre

St. Mary's University

923 Robie Street Halifax Nova Scotia
Contributed Oral/Poster Nuclear astrophysics


Mr Jaspreet Randhawa (Saint Mary's University, Halifax)


Study of proton unbound resonance states in $^{20}$Mg is important for both nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics. Type-I X-ray bursts in accreting neutron stars are triggered by the break out reactions from hot CNO cycles. In one of the break out sequences $^{18}$Ne is a waiting point as it cannot undergo proton capture because that leads to proton unbound $^{19}$Na, So it has to wait for beta decay to happen. $^{18}$Ne(2p,$\gamma$)$^{20}$Mg has been suggested as one of the possible bypass path to rp-process nucleosynthesis. The resonant states above the proton emission threshold in $^{20}$Mg determine the $^{18}$Ne(2p,$\gamma$)$^{20}$Mg resonant capture reaction rate. Due to the lack of experimental data, reaction rate estimates for this reaction are currently based on the energy levels of $^{20}$O taken from shell model predictions (Gorres et al.,1995). Recent calculations using nuclear forces from chiral perturbation theory predict quite a different level structure for $^{20}$Mg using the nucleon-nucleon (NN) force only and nucleon-nucleon plus three nucleon (NN+3N) forces (Holt et al.,2013). These predictions are also different from the levels predicted by shell model calculations and assuming mirror symmetry to $^{20}$O. This makes the study of the excited states of $^{20}$Mg important. In this presentaion we will report the investigation of the excited states in $^{20}$Mg through $^{20}$Mg(d,d')$^{20}$Mg* inelastic scattering. The experiment was performed using the IRIS facility, stationed at TRIUMF, Canada. The $^{20}$Mg beam with an average intensity of ~500 pps was post accelerated to an energy of 8.5A MeV. The speciality of IRIS is the use of a thin windowless solid deuteron target which makes this study possible with such a low beam intensities.

Primary author

Mr Jaspreet Randhawa (Saint Mary's University, Halifax)


Dr Barry Davids (TRIUMF) Ms Christina Burbadge (University of Guelph) Mr Devin Burke (McMaster University) Dr Elizabeth Padilla-Rodal (Universidad nacional autonoma de mexico) Dr Greg Christian (TRIUMF) Dr Greg Hackman (TRIUMF) Dr Jack henderson (TRIUMF) Dr Jenna Smith (TRIUMF) Dr Jon Lighthall (TRIUMF) Mr Joseph Turko (University of Guelph) Dr Julia Even (TRIUMF) Dr Martin Alcorta (TRIUMF) Mr Matthew Keefe (Saint Mary's University) Dr Mohamed Moukaddam (TRIUMF) Mr Orry Workman (Saint Mary's University) Dr Reiner Kruecken (TRIUMF) Prof. Rituparna Kanungo (Saint Mary's University) Ms Satbir Kaur (Dalhousie University) Mr Shigeru Ishimoto (KEK)

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