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15–18 Feb 2018
Canada/Eastern timezone

PICO-40L Calibration Simulation and Analysis Techniques using Machine Learning (student talk)

16 Feb 2018, 21:30


Ms Gevy Cao (Queen's University)


PICO is a dark matter experiment using superheated liquid to detect particle interactions. PICO-40L is a detector with a novel design of a Right-Side-Up chamber, placed inside a large pressure vessel, immersed in a water tank. Radioactive source calibrations are essential to identify background events. In the presentation, I will show the results from detector simulations for PICO-40L radioactive source calibration. I will also summarize the progress that has been made in the development of analysis strategies to identify different radioactive sources using machine learning techniques.

Primary author

Ms Gevy Cao (Queen's University)

Presentation materials