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16 February 2021 to 10 March 2021
Virtual meeting
US/Eastern timezone


Topic 1 : SAP community

17 Feb 2021, 14:00
Virtual meeting

Virtual meeting


Topic 1 : SAP community: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Early Career researchers, Community organization

  • Juliette Mammei (University of Manitoba)
  • Brigitte Vachon (McGill University)
  • Alexander Wright (Queens)


<u>Target audience</u>: All members of the SAP community in Canada (graduate students, postdocs and research associates, faculty members, etc.)

<u>Goal</u>: To develop a prioritized list of realistic initiatives to support Subatomic Physics (SAP) education, careers and community organization, and which could be recommended to community organizations, funding agencies and other stakeholders.

<u>Slack workspace</u>:

<u>Zoom link</u>: obsolete

Presentation materials

Building timetable...