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26–29 Oct 2021
US/Pacific timezone



27 Oct 2021, 18:00


-: MDI, First and Second IR

  • Angelika Drees (BNL)
  • In Soo Ko (PAL)
  • Walter Wittmer (JLab)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Scott Berg (BNL)
27/10/2021, 18:00
Mattieu Valette (BNL)
27/10/2021, 18:20
Marcy Stutzman (Jefferson Lab)
27/10/2021, 18:40
Andrii Natochii (University of Hawaii)
27/10/2021, 19:00
Seunghwan Shin (PAL)
27/10/2021, 19:20
Andrei Seryi (Jefferson Lab)
27/10/2021, 19:40
Randy Gamage (JLAB)
27/10/2021, 19:50
Soren Prestemon (LBNL)
27/10/2021, 20:10
27/10/2021, 20:30
Building timetable...