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31 October 2018 to 4 November 2018
UBC Robson Square
America/Vancouver timezone

Poster talks (2)

2 Nov 2018, 12:15
Theatre (Room C300) (UBC Robson Square)

Theatre (Room C300)

UBC Robson Square

800 Robson St, Vancouver, BC V6Z 3B7


Dr CARLO FRANCESCO VIGORITO (UNIVERSITY & INFN , Torino, Italia)Dr Huiling Li (Institute of High Energy Physics)Mr Jinjing Li (Tsinghua University)Dr Matthew Geske (Gonzaga University)Mr Yatian Pei (The Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP))


Poster talks Fri, Nov 2: - HALO-1kt: A massive helium and lead observatory for supernova neutrinos - GESKE, Matthew - Model-independent reconstruction of full flavor supernova neutrino spectra in future large liquid-scintillitor detectors - LI, Huiling - Search for Supernova Neutrinos with the LVD Experiment - VIGORITO, Carlo Francesco - The Central Detector of JUNO - PEI, Yatian - Detection of electron anti-neutrino at Jinping - LI, Jinjing

Presentation materials