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16–19 Feb 2023
Banff Centre
Canada/Mountain timezone

Experiment with neutron-rich Cs beams at TRIUMF and DESCANT detector maintenance

Not scheduled
Poster Room (Banff Centre)

Poster Room

Banff Centre

Poster Presentation Poster Poster Session


Madeleine Berube (TRIUMF/University of Waterloo)


Nuclear structure properties of many isotopes in the neutron-rich region are still unknown. Detection systems that focus on this region are an important part of nuclear physics studies. At TRIUMF, the gamma-decay spectroscopy GRIFFIN facility, and its ancillary detectors, such as the neutron-tagging DESCANT detector, allows the study of many of these nuclei. From these studies, we can learn about the r-process nucleosynthesis and better understand the nuclear structure of exotic isotopes.

This poster will show the current maintenance process of DESCANT. This work is important to preserve the performance of the 70 detectors that make up the array and its future experiments. In addition, the status of the analysis of a GRIFFIN experiment aiming to determine 148-150Ba properties using Cs beams will be reported.

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Supervisor Roger Caballero-Folch
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Funding Agency TRIUMF NSERC

Primary author

Madeleine Berube (TRIUMF/University of Waterloo)

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