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18–22 Sept 2017
US/Pacific timezone

Cryogenic Safety Procedures at TRIUMF – present state and the future

21 Sept 2017, 09:00
Auditorium (TRIUMF)



4004 Wesbrook Mall
Oral Continuous improvement in HSE matters


Dr. Alexey Koveshnikov (TRIUMF)


TRIUMF has a well-established safety record when it comes to the safety associated with use of cryogens. Nevertheless with the Lab evolving and new research facilities brought on line there is an increasing number of cryogenic installations across the Laboratory as well as an increasing number of personnel and users exposed to or dealing with cryogens who have limited previous experience or training. Typically the use of cryogenic liquids is associated with various safety hazards such as oxygen depletion, materials embrittlement, possible overpressure, etc. to name a few. In addition one has to distinguish personnel protection from equipment and machine protection considerations. In order to deal with this complex hazard systematically it was decided to create a cryogenic safety task force at TRIUMF under the guidance of Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) and including representatives from Cryogenics Group, Engineering and Physical Science Divisions. The mission of this task force is to review the current state of cryogenic system design and cryogenic safety at the laboratory, and draw on experience and best practices from leading laboratories and industry in order to develop and implement a lab-wide framework including a cryogenic safety policy and procedures to ensure consistent assessment of cryogenic hazards. The task force will also develop the requirements for training personnel working with cryogens and cryogenic systems.


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