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18–22 Sept 2017
US/Pacific timezone

Laser safety at TRIUMF

22 Sept 2017, 10:00
Auditorium (TRIUMF)



4004 Wesbrook Mall
Oral Safety training, web-based-training


Dr Matthew Pearson (TRIUMF)


Many years ago the use of lasers at research facilities was almost entirely the preserve of dedicated teams of highly specialised scientists. Whilst these types of activities are still very much a part of many institutions research programmes the availability, cost and portability of small laser modules mean that they are now common place throughout many facilities. Common uses range from (supposedly) low power pointers and alignment tools through to high power cutting and welding machines. The ease of availability combined with a non-specialist user, who often perceives the apparent lack of physical size to a lack of hazard, leads to a requirement for a practical and workable laser safety programme to be in place. The purpose of such a programme is not only to ensure that the relevant regulations are complied with but also to educate the users to the potential hazards in order to instill and maintain best working practises. This talk will outline the laser safety practises at \textsc{Triumf} along with some of the challenges faced and methods used to overcome them.


Funding Agency NRC/NSERC

Primary author

Dr Matthew Pearson (TRIUMF)

Presentation materials