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18–22 Sept 2017
US/Pacific timezone

Improvement of emergency evacuation from underground at RIBF accelerator facility

19 Sept 2017, 09:00
Auditorium (TRIUMF)



4004 Wesbrook Mall
Oral Incident investigation and Lessons learned


Dr Kanenobu TANAKA (RIKEN)


Radioactive Isotope beam factory (RIBF) operate five cyclotrons sequentially. The floor is down to B3F which depth is about 20 m. The structure of the buildings are complicated as a maze. For emergency case like fire and earthquake, there are several escape routes. But unfamiliar users for accelerator experiments are usually stay in the facility, therefore, it is important to prepare against the risks as fire drill and exit guide etc., in advance. So far, some emergency drill has been performed and evacuations from underground has been practiced. At September 2015, a fire alarm went on suddenly caused by a software error of radioactivity from which a faraday cup of the accelerator. The self-fire brigade of RIBF was not work well at that time. The staff of the self-fire brigade was assigned by the administration division of the all RIKEN institute, which contain other chemicals and biological fields, etc. Thus, the administration division did not know detail of personnel organization of RIBF nuclear physics department. The fire bridge stuff of RIBF and the scenario at the fire drill were not optimized. Another issue was emergency broadcasting system. It automatically start at fire alert but it had not been used at the fire drill for some reasons. RIBF stuff did not know this broadcasting system. Therefore, the brigade organization was not operated together with the emergency equipment. These factors and improvements are reported.


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