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18–22 Sept 2017
US/Pacific timezone

New projects and challenges in the DESY campus

20 Sept 2017, 15:30
Auditorium (TRIUMF)



4004 Wesbrook Mall
Oral New Projects


Ms Anca-Simona Ciobanu (DESY Hamburg)


Each year more than 2000 scientists from all over the world come to DESY to use the photon sources for their research. The PETRA III Extension project with two new experimental halls and the upgrade to the Free-Electron Laser FLASH with a second FEL source are offering a wide range of opportunities to the user communities. These new facilities will have user laboratories for chemistry, nanotechnology and laser operation. The Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL) and new the Centre for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB) are also having access to the research infrastructure from DESY campus. With PETRA IV project, DESY aims to build a unique light source to enable groundbreaking studies in a multitude of disciplines. Therefore, the PETRA storage ring will be convert into an ultralow emittance synchrotron radiation source, able to provide beams of hard X-rays with unprecedented coherence properties that can be focused to dimensions in the nanometer-regime.


Funding Agency DESY Hamburg Germany

Primary author

Ms Anca-Simona Ciobanu (DESY Hamburg)


Presentation materials