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18–22 Sept 2017
US/Pacific timezone

Safety Training at CERN - From Registry Office to Learning Service

21 Sept 2017, 14:00
Auditorium (TRIUMF)



4004 Wesbrook Mall
Oral Safety training, web-based-training


Mr Christoph BALLE (CERN)


Over the last years, the non-formal safety learning at CERN has changed significantly in a number of areas, like administration, course design and collaboration with different stakeholders. The reasons for having implemented these changes are manifold. The volume of learners has increased and varies considerably depending on CERN's activities such as beam operation, technical stops, etc. Also, a lot of classroom and online courses are mandatory for external industrial support and users of experiments working and doing research on CERN's premises. To meet the numerous challenges CERN's Safety Training Centre was further developed, the activity 'Safety Training' became a separate organisational unit with a central key role and multiple responsibilities. The presentation describes in detail the various requirements and constraints for an efficient safety training at CERN, the ideas and solutions developed and put into practice as well as the experience gained.


Primary author

Presentation materials