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15–18 Feb 2022
America/Vancouver timezone
WNPPC2022 Booklet has been added. See also information about today's special guest: Dr. Eden Hennessey

One Step Closer to Atomic Parity Violation in Francium: First Observation of the Highly Forbidden Magnetic Dipole (M1) 7S – 8S Transition in Francium

17 Feb 2022, 13:24


Physics Beyond the Standard Model Nuclear Physics


Ms Anima Sharma (University of Manitoba)


Precise tests of fundamental symmetries at low energy are an important tool for testing the Standard Model. Atomic parity violation (APV) measures the strength of highly forbidden atomic transitions induced by the parity violating (PV) exchange of Z bosons between electrons and quarks in heavy atoms. We are working towards measuring this effect in the heaviest alkali, francium, where the effect is predicted to be 18x larger than in cesium. Using the 7s-8s transition, we intend to measure the interference between the PV-induced E1 amplitude and a much larger Stark E1 amplitude from an externally applied electric field. Reversal of the latter will change the sign of the interference term. The Stark transition will be of comparable strength to a relativity and hyperfine-induced M1 transition which is about 13 orders of magnitude weaker than allowed atomic transitions. Its presence causes the leading systematic effects for APV and motivates its characterization. In this talk I will present our first measurement of M1 using our francium laser trap at TRIUMF’s ISAC facility, and will give an outlook on our future plans towards APV.

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Primary author

Ms Anima Sharma (University of Manitoba)


Dr Gerald Gwinner (University of Manitoba) Mr Timothy hucko (University of Manitoba) John Behr (TRIUMF) Dr Alexandre Gorelov (Triumf) Dr Mukut Kalita (TRIUMF) Prof. Seth Aubin (College of William and Mary) Prof. Eduardo Gomez (Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi) Prof. Luis Orozco (University of Maryland ) Dr Matthew Pearson (TRIUMF) Dr Andrea Teigelhoefer (Physicist: Experimental Officer, Laser & Ion Trapping)

Presentation materials