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11–13 Jul 2023
US/Eastern timezone


Lunch and breaks for coffee and tea will be provided through all three days of the conference.  The lunch menu will highlight some well-known and not-so-well known specialties of Montréal cuisine.  Please inform the conference organisers through registration or by email of any dietary restrictions so that we may accommodate your needs.

Morning snacks will provide around 140 calories per person, thus for most, one of the organizers recommends seeking breakfast in any number of fine cafés in the city.  Seven such cafés are available on rue Van Horne near campus within a block on either side of Outremont Métro. Patisserie Lescurier is recommended and specialises in Viennoiserie (croissants, brioche, and other doughy treats) and cakes while Mamie Clafoutis has great sandwiches along with more balanced Viennoiserie.

On Tuesday, July 11, we will organize small groups to visit a selection of local restaurants (to be paid by participants). Sign up sheets will be distributed with the goal of small groups going out to separate restaurants. The suggested options are: